Information für Heidelberg

251-D3215 – Englisch / Mittelstufe I

0 6

/ via akademie für ältere /

Die Themen, die wir bearbeiten sind unter anderen: Stadt- und Landleben. Vergangene Gewohnheiten. Meinungen äußern. Zustimmung und Ablehnung. Einkaufen. Adjektive, um Gefühle auszudrücken. beschreibende Adjektive. Steigerung der Adjektive. Wörter, um über vergangene Zeiten zu sprechen. Past passive, present perfect und past simple.

Wir werden im Unterricht CDs benutzen, damit Sie Muttersprachler besser verstehen.

In this course we will read authentic English literature and learn topics about the English grammar such as: present perfect progressive, past perfect, object pronuns, question tags, reported speech, passive voice and conditional senteces. The topics that we are going to talk about are very varied: biographies, small talk, talking on the phone, superstitions, transport and polution, political and environmental issues, giving advice and language learning experiences. Sometimes we will play digital games in order to review the material that we cover in class.


Let’s Enjoy English together!


The text book is: Let’s Enjoy English! B1.2.

In this course we will read authentic English literature and learn topics about the English grammar such as: present perfect progressive, past perfect, object pronuns, question tags, reported speech, passive voice and conditional senteces. The topics that we are going to talk about are very varied: biographies, small talk, talking on the phone, superstitions, transport and polution, political and environmental issues, giving advice and language learning experiences. Sometimes we will play digital games in order to review the material that we cover in class.

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