Information für Heidelberg

Book Club – Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan

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  • Social Activity

Lively discussions on a book, accompanied by any snacks participants bring along – and with a plethora of online tools at our disposal, we can often talk with authors online.

Dr. Dorothea Fischer-Hornung facilitates the Book Club with her great passion for literature and a wonderful sense of humor. She is a recently retired Senior Lecturer from the English Department at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and faculty member of the Heidelberg Center for American Studies. Dorothea is the author of numerous publications in the field of African and Native American literature and culture, with an emphasis on dance and performance studies.

Please register ahead of time.

Every 2nd Friday of the month, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Dates & books:

January 12th: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr (Fourth Estate, 2015; 544 pages)
February 09th: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan (‎Faber & Faber, 2022; 128 pages)
March 08th: Coming of Age at the End of History by Lea Ypi (Penguin, 2023; 267 pages)

Language: English

The program is free of charge. If you would like to attend on a regular basis, please become a member of the DAI Library.

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