Information für Heidelberg

Story Time for School Children

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/ via dai /

  • Kinderprogramm, Social Activity

There are so many great picture books for older children that we decided to offer an entire Story Time for children ages 7 to 10. This will be a time for kids to kick back, relax, and listen to a story or two.

This Story Time is followed by a Library Hangout – where you can swing by and get to know the other kids and their families that use the library on a regular basis. Additionally, our Book Fairy Lynne will give you book recommendations – thoughtfully handpicked good reads tailored to your individual interests.

Please register your child ahead of time.

Language: English

The program is free of charge, but donations to cover the cost of craft supplies are greatly appreciated. If your child would like to participate on a regular basis, please become a member of the DAI Library.

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