Information für Heidelberg

11th HLF – Highlights, Sunday, September 22

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/ via heidelberg laureate forum /

The 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum has officially begun!

On Sunday, September 24, the Opening Ceremony of the 11th HLF took place in the New Auditorium of Heidelberg University.

Check out the video above for some snapshots of the day’s events!

200 young researchers in mathematics and computer science from over 50 nations around the world were in attendance, as were 25 laureates of the most distinguished prizes in those disciplines.

Rafael Lang, Chairperson of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation, stressed the responsibility that scientists like those assembled at the HLF have to be a force for positive change in the world: “All of us are equipped with certain privileges… We are privileged in that we can contribute to destill positive change into this word, and so I think, and it is my great conviction, that because we have that possibility to change the world to be a better place, we have to do so. So in that spirit, let us embrace this week as a week of opportunity to make the world a better place, to foster new ideas, to come together.”

Photos from the 11th HLF, updated daily, can be found on the HLF’s Flickr page.

You can also check out the very first episode of the Vlog@HLF24.

Follow us on social media (Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) for more updates, news and highlights of the 11th HLF!


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