Information für Heidelberg

11th HLF – Highlights, Tuesday, September 24

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/ via heidelberg laureate forum /

The second day of the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum has ended and we have collected some memorable moments and impressions in another “Snapshots” clip above!

The morning’s line-up featured a deep pool of engaging talks by some of the foremost luminaries of mathematics and computer science. 

Before lunch, Young Researchers also had the opportunity to dive deeper into more unique topics by attending various Workshops and Master Classes offered by the Laureates.

In the afternoon, two Hot Topic panels closed out the day; the first was centered on “Understanding the Climate Crisis: The Role of Mathematics and Computer Science” – the second delivered an exciting and intriguing discussion from varying perspectives on “The Paradox of Artificial Intelligence: Smarter than a Grandmaster but More Ignorant than a Toddler.”

To round out the day, the evening saw attendees gather at the Speyer Museum of Technology, dining in the midst of impressive plane, automobile and space shuttle exhibits.

As always, select photos from this day can be found on our Flickr page.

Follow us on social media (Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) for more updates, news and highlights of the 11th HLF!


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