Information für Heidelberg

Classics Book Club – To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

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/ via dai /

Fr, 26. Januar 2024, 18:30 Uhr

  • Literatur

Foto: Tom Hermans on

You know the big pile of books you’ve „always wanted to read” but simply sit there on the bedside table? The Classics Book Club offers an opportunity to tackle that pile! A buoyant group of literature lovers indulges in works of the literary canon, accompanied by drinks and snacks.

Please register ahead of time.

Every 4th Friday of the month, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Dates & books:

January 26: To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
February 23: The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
March 22:  Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Language: English

The program is free of charge. If you would like to attend on a regular basis, please become a member of the DAI Library.

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