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The brain’s extraordinary internal GPS
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Nobel Laureate May-Britt Moser shares her thoughts on her science, its intrinsic rewards, and what she’ll be talking about in a few weeks at EMBL’s 2025 Kafatos Lecture…
How AI fuels research, discovery, and innovation
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How AI fuels research, discovery, and innovation
We are EMBL: Francesco Costa on protein design and the EMBL PhD programme
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Francesco Costa talks about his work on protein structure predictions, his experience with the EMBL PhD programme, and why he's excited about the field of protein engineering…
A special puppeteer holds the strings to liver cells‘ identity
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Scientists at EMBL and DKFZ have discovered how cells in the liver maintain their identity and avoid becoming tumour cells
Scientists at EMBL and DKFZ discovered…
Bacteria, brains, and sugar: scientists uncover new connections
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Using a new method to study how carbohydrates modify proteins, scientists have discovered that gut bacteria can alter molecular signatures in the brain
A new…
Claire O’Donovan: what I’ve learned
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During her 30 years at the institute, Claire O’Donovan has seen major shifts in how biological data are produced, shared, and analysed to enable discovery
Nobel laureate and neuroscientist May-Britt Moser to deliver 2025 Kafatos Lecture
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Talk to explain how the brain’s ‘grid cells’ work as a combo speedometer, GPS, and collision warning system
May-Britt Moser will deliver this year’s…
Novel analysis of intrinsically disordered proteins
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Researchers from Mainz University and EMBL Hamburg present a new approach for structurally characterising disordered proteins by combining two different analysis methods…
How have human activities disrupted the ecosystems of Europe’s coasts?
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The BIOcean5D-funded Paleocore project, led by the French marine institute Ifremer and part of the TREC expedition, aims to study marine sediments to understand the impact of major…
Structural insights reveal drug target in trypanosome parasites
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The Kowalinski group at EMBL Grenoble identified significant differences between the trypanosomal and human nuclear cap-binding complex, a key player in cellular RNA metabolism…
Researchers uncover what drives aggressive bone cancer
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Study identifies a novel mechanism driving osteosarcoma and provides insights to help…
A marine worm offers clues about our evolutionary past
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EMBL researchers study Platynereis dumerilii, a worm that retains many features of ancient species, aiming to discover mechanisms of evolution
Phil Oel, Tobias…
12 moments of philanthropy: #12 New frontiers in childhood cancer research
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This article is also available in
Philanthropy drives discovery to better understand childhood leukaemia and relapse…
From the bench to the EMBL Imaging Centre: when science meets art
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Scientists share their experiences of creating stunning images at the EMBL Imaging Centre
Top: The EMBL Imaging Centre at the Heidelberg site offers scientists…
Sharing scientific expertise to empower European partners
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EMBL and its partners have received funding from the European Commission for two new Twinning Projects, which will build expertise and research capacity in its member states…
A new EMBL microscope hits the road
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Researchers developed a microscope made to travel – miniature in scale, fast in imaging samples, and giant in resolution.
EMBL scientists, Ling Wang and Robert…