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Welcome: Julio Saez-Rodriguez | EMBL
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EMBL-EBI’s new Head of Research aims to rebuild the community post pandemic and leverage new AI technologies
Julio Saez-Rodriguez and his…
What I’ve learned: Toby Gibson
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From growing up enjoying the nature around him, Toby Gibson led his career towards computational biology where he collaborated with Des Higgins and Julie Thompson to develop the groundbreaking…
An epigenome editing toolkit to dissect the mechanisms of gene regulation
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A study from the Hackett group at EMBL Rome led to the development of a powerful…
We are EMBL: María Cerezo on balancing two roles and one of EMBL’s proudest achievements
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María Cerezo talks about her role as Scientific Curator, how she combines it with her position as co-chair of the Staff Association, and what she believes has been EMBL's biggest achievement in…
Father’s gut microbes affect the next generation
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A study from the Hackett group at EMBL Rome shows that disrupting the gut microbiome of male mice increases the risk of disease in their future offspring…
12 moments of philanthropy: #4 EMBL Imaging Centre
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When big ideas open new doors
EMBL's Imaging Centre came online in 2021 and will continue to expand the cutting-edge imaging services and training it provides to…
Researchers aim to use quantum computing to assemble and analyse pangenomes
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Experts in quantum computing and genomics to develop new methods and algorithms to process biological data
IBM Q System One Quantum Computer at the Consumer…
Sparking curiosity: the Curiosity microscope
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EMBL-coordinated project BIOcean5D ran its first workshop for teachers, helping to bring inland communities closer to marine science and ocean literacy
TREC sets off along the Mediterranean coast
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The second phase of the TREC expedition focuses on the Mediterranean coast, with Barcelona, Spain, hosting the first ‘superstop’ of 2024
The speakers and some of…
Exploring cellular complexity with EMPIAR’s new cryo-electron tomography prototype browser
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Data obtained through cryogenic sample electron tomography (cryo-ET) are openly available in the new Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive (EMPIAR) cryo-ET tomography browser…
When AI meets biology | EMBL
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Five takeaways from the recent EMBO | EMBL conference and how AI is making a difference in biology and bioinformatics
A recent EMBO | EMBL Symposium provided a…
Building the cell’s splicing machine
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A new study provides deeper structural insight into the assembly of a critical molecular machine, that removes non-coding information from genes during their expression…
‘Exhausted’ immune cells in healthy women could be target for breast cancer prevention
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New study uncovers the potential of immunotherapy in preventing breast cancer and creates the openly available Human Breast Cell Atlas
Immune cell exhaustion…
12 moments of philanthropy: #3 Environmental Research Initiative
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Showing how smaller donations can be little drops that create big ripples
EMBL’s Melissa Graewert was one of the first to receive an ERI grant, which enabled her…
Connecting shores and exploring new avenues for collaboration with Malta
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During a visit by high-level representatives of EMBL’s member state Malta, the honourable delegation allowed us a peek behind the scenes of their scientific and institutional collaborations,…
Gaining skills and building connections in infection biology
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The first EMBL-UNESCO fellows share experiences and insights from their residencies that focused on infection biology
EMBL and UNESCO teamed up to establish a new residency programme aimed at African scientists, working in…