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“Structurally” sound | EMBL

/ via embl/ Connecting structure to function in five decades of research The human nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a doughnut-shaped molecular complex consisting of 30…

Seeing into the depths | EMBL

/ via embl/ New photoacoustic probes enable deep brain tissue imaging, with the potential to report on neuronal activity and enable better understanding of brain function New…

Welcome: David Ocaña | EMBL

/ via embl/ EMBL-EBI’s new Head of Applications will use his expertise in cloud infrastructure and security to support the institute’s open data resources David Ocaña, Head…

TREC expedition concludes sampling in Greece

/ via embl/ The TREC expedition concluded its sampling phase in Greece and strengthened scientific exchange and collaborative networks with their Greek partners during a political and scientific stakeholder…

Science City Day at EMBL Hamburg

/ via embl/ Major public engagement event in Hamburg attracted thousands The event offered fun activities for different age groups. Credit: Dorota Badowska/EMBL…

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