Information für Heidelberg

Mythology Club

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/ via dai /

  • Kinderprogramm, Social Activity


Each class focuses on a Greek god, goddess, or hero, as well as their myths and stories. We look at different books, from classic authors to modern adaptations like Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson. We encounter and analyze texts, pictures, graphic novels, and films, with a central focus on the Gods’ daily routine, covering topics like food and wardrobe. This course is for kids ages 9 to 12.

Please register your child ahead of time.

February 18 – Perseus and the Gorgo
March 18 – Jason and the Golden Fleece

Every 3rd Tuesday of the month, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Language: English
Course fee (entire quarter, 2 sessions): 15 €

Please pay at the first session in cash or transfer the amount to our account:
IBAN: DE83 6725 0020 0000 0419 71
Account holder: Schurman Gesellschaft e. V.
Reference: Mythology Club

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