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Science City Day at EMBL Hamburg

/ via embl/ Major public engagement event in Hamburg attracted thousands The event offered fun activities for different age groups. Credit: Dorota Badowska/EMBL…

Celebrating 50 years of infinite curiosity

/ via embl/ One of the many things that make EMBL unique is the way its community embraces and thrives on curiosity Since EMBL’s founding in…

Welcome: Mallory Freeberg | EMBL

/ via embl/ The new Team Leader for Human Genomics at EMBL-EBI shares how curiosity and maths shaped her career and what it takes to be a community builder Mallory Freeberg.…

Stephen Cusack: what I’ve learned

/ via embl/ Stephen Cusack, world-renowned structural biologist and former Head of EMBL Grenoble, reflects on his early influences, his achievements, and the lessons he’s learned as he embarks on his next…

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